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How a Windshield Cover Saved a Man's Life

  • 2 min read


Steve Durr, an acoustical consultant hailing from Nashville, woke up one morning with chest pains. Thanks to his FrostGuard, he was able to get out the door quickly and save his heart from irreparable damage.

His Testimony

"Hi, my name is Steve Durr. I’m an acoustical consultant in Nashville, TN and this is my journey.
In Louisiana, I was exposed to a lot of fantastic music and fantastic musicians, and it just gave me this insight into what I wanted to do. I never really wanted to play an instrument, I only wanted to do audio and acoustics, which was unusual because everyone else was playing drums or guitars or something like that. But I really felt like my calling was more in audio and acoustics and I’ve been very fortunate.
The morning was February 17. I woke up feeling pretty normal. Got up, went to the bathroom and on my way back I realized that my chest was really hurting—like pounding—and it really scared me. I didn’t really—I’ve never had any kind of medical issues. I’ve certainly never taken any meds. And it was just something-—I totally knew something was terribly wrong. So, I put on my clothes and started towards the door. Allison, my girlfriend, said “I’ll go with you” and I said, “no, I don’t have time for that”.
Nashville had had just a really amazing amount of ice and rain and snow, and a prediction for a lot more snow. When I got to the door, snow was pouring down that I had the FrostGuard on the windshield. I was able to just unhook it and pull it off and throw all the ice and snow off the windshield. Had I had to stand out there and scrape the ice off in the snow, I would have been there for a lot longer, had a lot more exertion. And I literally pulled it off on the ground, which is all the energy I had, and ran over it with my car to drive out to the hospital.
When I got to the hospital, the doctor said that the only reason that I didn’t have any heart damage was I didn’t have to exert myself, and the fact that I got there within five minutes. Had I had to stand outside with an ice scraper and scrape the snow and ice off my car, it would have eaten up a lot of time. So, fortunately, the FrostGuard saved my life and certainly saved a lot of damage to my heart. I’m very, very fortunate that I had the device."

The Life-Changing Product


Steve Durr is a testimony to FrostGuard's ease of use and time-saving power. The windshield cover is a 20-second solution to a 20-minute problem!


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