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Reach your dreams while parenting all at the same time! Here’s how…

  • 2 min read

Life is full of adventure. And, part of that adventure may mean having kids alongside you. Your kids should always be your priority, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still chase your dreams! Studies show that pursuing your passion will make your family life even better than before. Here at Urban Transit™, we have put together some key ideas on how to do it all. Check it out!

Lean on Loved Ones

Reaching your dreams with family values

There is no rule book on how to raise children perfectly, so lean on those around you when you need help. If you want to go on an adventure that wouldn’t be right for your kids to go on as well, get someone you love and trust to take care of them.

If you do decide to do this, be sure to call and check in so your kids know you are thinking of them the whole time. Allowing your kids you spend time with someoneyoulove also gives them the capability to grow love towards that person, too.  

Understand Your Reality

Some dreams may just not be feasible depending on what stage of life you are in with your kids. However, you can still dream about it. Make a vision board or research how you can still make that dream happen in the future. Don’t give up if it’s not the time right now. 

We get that it may seem frustrating if it’s not the right timing, but here’s the good news, you can always find new dreams. And, those dreams can include your kids! If they are old enough, you can even ask them about some of the dreams that they have. Child-like dreaming is something we need more of in this world, and your kids may just be the reason you find a new passion.

Prioritize Your Dreams

There is a time and place for each goal. A great way to start is to make a bucket list of all your dreams. Then figure out your budget, when your schedule will align with each dream, and slowly start to plan which passion to chase first. 

Between your schedule as a parent and your kids’ schedules with school and extracurriculars, it can seem impossible to follow your passion. Chasing your dreams shouldn’t be stressful, so plan ahead for good results!

Be Prepared

At Urban Transit, we believe in being prepared for the journey. This includes excursions that parents take.

  • If you want to take a trip to somewhere you have always dreamed of, bring the kids along – but plan out the best way to do it first. 
  • If you want to take a new job – make sure there is a plan in place so your kids still feel like a priority. 

There are always ways to be prepared, you just have to find what works best for you in each unique situation!


There is no perfect recipe for being a parent. All you can do is your best! Trust your instincts and over time you will learnyourown right way of chasing your dreams while parenting with love all at once.

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