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You’re Almost Out of Time! These DIY Halloween Costumes are Perfect for the Last Minute

  • 3 min read

Decorating the house, buying candy, and keeping the family happy may seem easy, but any parent knows how stressful it can be. When time runs out and you need a last-minute Halloween costume, you will want to try one of these! They’re easy, appropriate for any age, and creative! 


Smarty Pants Halloween Costume

Want to be the smartest one at the party? Just grab your bag of candy and pick out all of the smarties. Then, glue or tape them to your pants. Wrap a small piece of white tape in the middle of a pair of glasses, and throw on a pair of suspenders if you have them. Take your nerd costume to the next level and call yourself smarty-pants! 


Here are the ideal items for this costume: tall socks, sandals, a Hawaiian or floral shirt, sunglasses, and a fanny pack. These items can look stylish when separate, but wear them together to make yourself look like a tourist on a beach vacation! 

Marathon Runners

This costume idea is perfect for the whole family! Everyone just needs to throw on a set of athletic clothes, write a number on a piece of paper, and tape it to their shirts. Show up to any function looking ready to run and ready for candy!


Try this with a partner! One person dresses in all while and tapes a large “S” on their shirt in black, and the other person dresses in all white and tapes a large “P” on their shirt in white. Simple, silly, and sure to make for great pictures! 


For this costume, the more people, the better! Plus, it is so easy to coordinate with the group. All you have to wear is a color of an M&M and tape a large white “M” to your shirt!

Cowboy + Cowgirl

Cowboy & Cowgirl Halloween Costume

You just need denim bottoms, a flannel, and boots – a cowboy hat would help but is not required! If you really want to play the part well, head to YouTube and learn an easy and fun line dance to show off at the event in which you’re headed! 

Greased Lightning

Grease Halloween Costume Idea

The summer nights are gone, but Grease will never be! Dress your whole family in all black + leather jackets or pink jackets. Half of your group will be the T-Birds and the other half the Pink Ladies. Guys, remember to slick back your hair! And gals, the bigger the better! 


This costume is spookily easy and dates back years. Just cut two eye holes in a white sheet, throw it over your head, and you’ll be ready to go! 


If you have no time to get materials from the store, grab an old white sheet you don’t care about and start ripping it into strips. Wear all white and start wrapping yourself in the strips. Secure them to your closes with tape, glue, or safety pins. Make it tight enough to stay on but loose enough to give that mummy look!

Car Mechanic

Construction Worker Halloween Costume Inspiration

Dress in a blue jumpsuit or any darker clothes, and choose a basic lightweight tool to carry around with you. Grab some of Mom’s mascara or eyeshadow and dirty up your clothes to give yourself that honest, mechanic, greasy look. This is a fun idea for Dad + Son, and will make for wonderful memories to reminisce on! 

When Life Gives You Lemons

For one night, you get to be life and hand out lemons to others! Dress in yellow and write “Hi, my name is Life” on your shirt. Then walk around with a basket of lemons and as you give them out to people, say, “here, make some lemonade!” This play-on-words costume is creative and will make for lots of laughter.

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